What is BLE?

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is a form of wireless communication designed especially for short-range communication. BLE is very similar to Wi-Fi in the sense that it allows devices to communicate with each other. However, BLE is meant for situations where battery life is preferred over high data transfer speeds. For example, say you want to broadcast a marketing campaign close to a newly launched headphone. The amount of data you need to transfer to a visitor’s smartphone is minimal; hence BLE compatible beacons do the job quickly without draining the battery.
With traceability compliance at the center, supply chains across the world have come a long way from barcodes to RFID and now BLE. While BLE tags or beacons work similarly as active RFID tags, their increasing acceptance lies in the fact that they are extremely energy efficient and consume very low power. Right from monitoring movement of inventory in warehouses, to track last-mile delivery, BLE is revolutionizing traceability in supply chains.

Benefits of BLE

Common technology

Bluetooth as a feature is present on general mobile phones, thereby making BLE beacons readable with even your cell phone.

High read-range

Being extremely energy efficient, BLE tags or beacons have extremely high read-ranges

Responsive Design

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Benefits of BLE

Common technology

Bluetooth as a basic feature across devices, thereby making BLE tags readable even with your cell phone.

High read-range

Being extremely energy efficient, BLE tags or beacons have extremely high read-ranges


BLE tags can be manufactured in bulk without any significant cost of implementation


BLE tags and beacons transfer an enormous amount of data in extremely low power modes